Bryn Durocher
As previously explored in our blog, a significant correlation exists between nutrition and mental well-being. What you eat and the amount of nutrients you consume affects your enteric nervous system (your gut), which is linked to your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) (Carabotti et al., 2015). The gut-brain connection can be highly beneficial, but sometimes, it is negatively impacted because our relationship with food is not as healthy as we would like it to be. Unfortunately, a negative relationship with food or body image can lead to problems such as eating disorders.
Who is this quiz for?
This brief, complimentary eating disorder quiz is designed for individuals who believe they could benefit from an evaluation related to eating disorders.
The questions in this questionnaire aim to assist you in determining whether seeking the guidance of a mental health expert could be beneficial for addressing the symptoms you have encountered.
Furthermore, a qualified therapist or psychiatrist can aid you in discerning whether your concerns may be indicative of an alternative mental health disorder. Should it be deemed necessary, they can also provide guidance on crafting an appropriate treatment strategy.
Can the quiz be trusted for accuracy?
This web-based quiz should not be considered a conclusive instrument and cannot provide a guaranteed diagnosis of an eating disorder.
Nevertheless, you can utilize this test as a self-assessment tool for monitoring your symptoms. Additionally, it could provide your healthcare provider with insights into any behavioral shifts between appointments.
It’s important to note that only a qualified medical practitioner, such as a physician or mental health specialist, possesses the expertise to guide you in determining the most appropriate course of action for your situation.
Eating Habits Self-Check: Is Your Relationship with Food Healthy?
Before we explain eating disorders, try this multiple-choice quiz to determine how healthy your relationship with food and body image is:
1. Do you listen to your body when hungry or full? (Alberta Health Services, 2023)
a) Often
b) Sometimes
c) Never
2. Do you feel fear, guilt, or shame when you eat? (Albert Health Services, 2023)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
3. How do you perceive food? (Alberta Health Services, 2023)
a) As an energy-boosting, nourishing, and enjoyable aspect of life
b) As a simple necessity
c) As something you dread having to take
4. Do you judge your body and food choices? (Bell, 2023)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
5. Do you have a diet mindset where you focus on body image and weight? (Bell, 2023)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
6. How often are you binge-eating or over-exercising? (UChicago Student Wellness, 2023)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
7. How often are you “body checking” (negatively and frequently looking at your body/perceived flaws) (UChicago et al., 2023)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
8. Are you heavily impacted by media or social beauty standards? (Baceviciene et al., 2020)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
9. Do you feel that your body image and/or eating habits cause you distress? (Baceviciene et al., 2020)
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
If you answered mostly c) to these questions, you should reevaluate your relationship with food and body image. Some of these behaviors and mindsets might be toxic to your mood and your quality of life (Baceviciene et al., 2020).
If you mainly answered b), you may be on the path to an unhealthy lifestyle, and it’s good to be aware of this to avoid any future harm.
If you mainly answered a), your relationship with food and body image is healthier than you might have realized.
However, being self-aware and vigilant towards your self-image and behaviors is always good.
Unraveling Eating Disorders: An In-Depth Look at Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating
As we mentioned, unhealthy body image and food relationships can lead to eating disorders. Eating disorders are severe illnesses affecting your eating behaviors and mental and physical health (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). They may include an obsession with body shape, weight or losing weight, and how much food is taken and when (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). Eating disorders can affect everyone, no matter their age, race, or gender (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).
Let us go over some common eating disorders. The first one we will discuss is anorexia or anorexia nervosa. Anorexia includes a person practicing food avoidance and, or restriction, reduced eating of certain foods, frequent weight checks, and the idea that they are overweight even when they are not (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). There are two types of anorexia: restrictive and binge-purge (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).
Restrictive anorexia severely impacts how much and what type of food a person consumes. In contrast, binge-purge anorexia is similar but has binging (overeating all at once) and purging (getting rid of the food through vomiting, laxatives, etc.) (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). If anorexia becomes very serious, it can cause someone to be severely underweight and put their life at risk (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).
Bulimia includes periods of overeating and feeling a loss of control over eating, and it usually involves purging as well (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). It can potentially induce various physical symptoms, including issues like throat and stomach discomfort and dehydration (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).
To end this section, we will discuss binge-eating disorder. Binge-eating disorder involves repeatedly having periods of overeating/binging, but it is not followed by purging, exercising, dieting, or otherwise (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). Like bulimia, the person eats even when full, and for this disorder, weight gain often occurs (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).
These disorders can be scary. That is why we stress taking the time to nurture your body image and eating habits.
Nurturing a Positive Body Image and Building a Healthy Eating Routine
Developing a positive body image and eating routine will provide you with more happiness and well-being and act as a protective factor against eating disorders. In psychology, we also call this prevention.
Try practicing gratitude for a positive body image (Robinson & Myrer, n.d.). Think of 5 things every day that you like about your body. Remind yourself how lucky you are to be given these qualities. Practice being kind to yourself and being mindful of negative thinking (Robinson & Myrer, n.d.). These are things that you will have to work on (Robinson & Myrer, n.d.).
For a healthier eating routine, engage in mindful eating for example being present while eating and not engaging in watching TV or web series or checking your phone, emphasizing being kind to your hunger or fullness; eat without judgment or negativity (UCI Counseling Center, n.d.) Reach out for support if you need it, whether that means therapy, support from family and friends, or otherwise (UCI Counseling Center, n.d.). Research and try different coping strategies (UCI Counseling Center, n.d.), such as those listed here:
Remember to be patient but diligent with your mental health.
Seeking Recovery: Resources and Support for Overcoming Eating Disorders
Treatment for eating disorders may involve psychoeducation, nutritional counseling, therapy, and/or medication (CAMH, 2016). It may also be helpful to join an eating disorder support group to find belonging and support from others with eating disorders (CMHA, 2023).
To end this article, here are some proper resources if you or a loved one suffer from eating disorders. Remember that no matter how big or small your problem is, you are not alone. You always have the power to change your life for the better, and we wish you all the best on your journey.
1. Scroll down to see online and in-person eating disorder resources in Ontario. Furthermore, this article includes more information on eating disorders and how to help others.
From the “Get Help” button, find support within Canada by entering your postal code.
Find a doctor in Ontario. Your doctor may be able to provide referrals for mental health services. Call to check first. If you live elsewhere, try searching for databases of doctors within your province or country.
Alberta Health Services. (2023). A healthy relationship with food. Alberta Health Services.
Baceviciene, M., Jankauskiene, R., & Balciuniene, V. (2020). The Role of Body Image, Disordered Eating and Lifestyle on the Quality of Life in Lithuanian University Students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(5), 1593.
Bell, L. (2023, March 8). Creating healthy relationships with food. Children’s Hospital New Orleans.
CAMH. (2016). Eating disorders resources – CAMH.
Carabotti, M., Scirocco, A., Maselli, M. A., & Severi, C. (2015). The gut-brain axis: interactions between enteric microbiota, central and enteric nervous systems. Annals of gastroenterology, 28(2), 203–209.
CMHA. (2023). Understanding and Finding Help for Eating Disorders. CMHA Ontario.
National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Eating disorders: About more than food. Mental Health Information.
Robinson, S., Myrer, R. (n.d.). 5 ways to develop a positive body image. USU.
UChicago Student Wellness. (2023). Body Image and Eating Concerns. The University of Chicago.
UCI Counseling Center. (n.d.). HOW TO IMPROVE RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD. University of California, Irvine.